VOLTAGE...the setting
this is arwyn's page and an example of the spread that each designer was given: huge name, a photo, bio, website and a professional fashion photo that was taken months ago (which was fun to be a part of.) my name & website is listed on the page under jewelry. i love the way my jewelry reads in the photo!
right when the doors opened, my friends and i parked ourselves at the end of the runway - and were able to sit on a half wall next to the ramp that leads to the main floor. the perfect place, right? above the main floor just enough to see over the sea of heads, a place to sit so our feet don't ache and an aisle next to us to keep us from getting crowded-in..... it was a great place to be - until this tall, broad-shouldered guy - with a hat on his big head came and stood right in front of us! no kidding. i have Z.E.R.O good pictures from the show ... thank goodness i met a photographer nearby who did take some good shots - so that i can share them with you in my next posts!