in mourning
I had anticipated sharing photos and stories from the Gaviidae Market with you this week. But on Friday, while I was downtown at the market, I received word that my Grandpa had been hospitalized Thursday night because he couldn't keep food down. They discovered Friday that he had developed pneumonia in both lungs. After 98 long & healthy years, something told me that this time might be too much for him and a sense of distracted urgency overcame me. I traveled north to Duluth immediately after the Market on Friday night and was able to spend time with him on Saturday and Sunday along with the majority of my family. He recognized every family member that came to see him, despite slowly entering a state of "spotty-cloudiness" --- He passed away at 1:59am on Monday the 23rd of November. He went quickly and peacefully. I have never had to mourn the loss of someone I love, so this is all new territory for me. I am trying to ride the waves of emotions as best I can, allowing myself to feel the loss and the void while remembering and recognizing the legacy he leaves behind in his family of 4 children, 13 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren as well as our spouses and loved-ones. I will be spending the rest of the week with my family in Duluth - for the funeral, Thanksgiving, and the burrial.
I will not be at the Gaviidae Market this Friday the 27th, so if you were planning to come down to see me, please plan to come on Dec 4th, 11th or 18th instead. Thank you for your understanding.