Walker Jewelry Mart

Saturday was like a marathon day for me. I knew I'd be on my feet and talking to people from 10am til 10pm with 2 events going on. Usually before a marathon, I try to go to bed early to make sure I am well rested and ready to perform. That same line of logic can be applied to doing shows (perhaps it's required even more?) ... but I didn't follow my own advice this time. I was up until the wee hours (3am) packing everything up on Friday night. The multiple projects & products (tree, ornaments, artwork, jewelry) required more of me this time around.

The extra time and energy paid off. Despite some brain malfunctions with names, my lack of sleep did not stand in the way of me having a fantastic day at the Walker. I tweaked a couple things with my display this time and overall just felt good about the way things looked. Amy Torello and Alice Roche were both in town from Mexico and San Fransicso respectively - again this year for the Mart and it was really fun to catch-up with them. It was fun to see how their work had evolved over the year ... likewise to reflect on the evolution of my own.

My new work for the show consisted of the wool HIVE cuff bracelets, thicker WOOD_STRIPE bracelets (11&12 layers wide), a larger selection of BUNCH necklaces ... and some pieces in PURPLE acrylic! I had to do some searching to find the material, but I was happy with the color and people responded well to it, too. This BUNCH_POD necklace in purple with navy blue leather was a popular piece. A lot of people tried it on and one lucky woman (Robyn) went home with it. (It looked fantastic with her dark brown hair!) These photos from the show are the only images I have of it.

I want to thank everyone who came out to the Walker, who stopped by my table and who purchased from me. I had such a fun day talking with everyone and your support means so much! Thank you to my sister, Brit, for helping me set-up, for sitting with me for several hours ... and for looking SO good in those BUNCH earrings! Thank you to the Walker for being such gracious and generous hosts. I am so lucky!